Prohibition of Cannabis!Its total bs!!
3.12.2009 | 20:39
The prohibition of cannabis is something i have never understood.
For the record i do not drink,smoke or use any other types of drugs.
But i do not understand why we bother chaseing cannabis users.
Ive seen in the news police working with energy companys and heatseeking choppers flying over suspect places.
I saw that and tought to myself "I wonder how much all this costs ? And who are they protecting?"
How does our goverment justify the spending to use heatseeking choppers.
So what does cannabis do to us that is so bad?
Well it has been said that cannabis kills brain cell´s,makes people lazy,leads people to harder drugs and that its highly addictive.
So lets look at this one by one.
Cannabis causes brain damage!
1974 The Dr Heath/Tulane study was the 1st report to back this up, it was issued by Ronald Reagan.This report was done by "The most reliable scientific sources" and said that permanent brain damage was inevitable result of using cannabis.
Monkeys were pumped with 30 columbian strength joints a day and months after started to show low brain cell count and some would even die.So for almost around 30 years people think based mainly on this study that it does kill brain cells.
After six years of asking how this report was done they revealed how it was done.
They took the moneys and placed a gas mask on them and pumping 63 joints for 5 mins over 3 months.So in other words they suffocated the monkeys and we all know that 4 mins without oxygen may result in brain damage.So what about doing that over and over and over again for 5 mins.
Studys since have shown no signs of any brain cells damage.
Next one.
Cannabis smoke will causes lung cancer,brown lung or emphysema!
The first report about this was mirrord by the US goverment from smoking reports.
They had to use words like may or should cause lung cancer,brown lung or emphysema.
They backed this with nothing other then gesture and that all smoke is the same smoke.But in reality there are no cases of cannabis only users getting lung cancer,brown lung or emphysema.
Then a report came out from Dr.Donald Tashkin UCLA saying "Marijuana smoking does not cause lung cancer".And many other have followed in same suit.
Next one
Cannabis is highly addictive!
Well it is true that more kids or teenagers are in treatment for marijuana then any other drug.
The reality is that most of young marijuana smokers today when arrested for possession are offerd 2 choices.Rehab or jail! And i dont know about you but i think most of us would pick rehab.
In studys done around varius rehab centers it showed that 93% of the marijuana users where in treatment in voluntary.
So that does by no means show us how addictive this drug is.But if you go to any rehab centers homepage and you will see the list.
- Nicotine
- Heroin
- Cocaine
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Marijuana ?
So how many of us drink coffe ?Well sad to tell you this you are more addictive then any marijuana user to that drink then he is to that plant.Im would not support the prohibition of coffe nor would i support the prohibition of marijuana.
Next one.
Marijuana leads people to harder drugs!
Well there are no natural evidence showing us this, there is nothing in the plant that will push people to want cocaine or heroin.So what then?Why do so many people claim that marijuana is a gateway drug?
Well lets look at who sells them.most drug dealers sell a varaiety of drugs, from ecstacy down to cocaine and morphine.So if we really look at it, the drug dealers are a gateway to drugs and marijuana has nothing to do with it at all.
You never heard about a man drinking coffe and after that great cup he wanted to go shoot some black tar heroin have you ?The notion is silly but if we really look at it we would not have this problem if this was not a illegal drug.
Next one.
Cannabis makes people lazy and unmotivated, other words useless to society!
Now lets look at this fact a little bit.How many times have you heard about a politician who smoked marijuana before ? Well we all know about Bill Clinton and his lies about not inhaling the smoke.
Former president George W. Bush was a avid user.Ted Turner one of the richest men in the world smokes a joint everyday, this is the man who created CNN news smoking pot.
Michael Phelps all time olympian smokes but is known to be the best swimmer in the world today.
Beetles,Rolling Stones most other famous bands used some or all these drugs.There is nothing backing this up other then people opinions.
People who have character defects are gona be lazy/unmotivated with or without the use of marijuana.
So in closing you wont get anymore addicted to it then drinking coffe.It does not cause brain damage.It wont cause lung cancer,brown lung or emphysema.People do not get lazy and uselss while using marijuana.It has nothing in it that leads to harder drugs.
There has never ever in the history of the world been a death directly related to the use of marijuana.
If this plant is not this crazy drug we have been lead to belive it is then why do we allow our goverment to use extreme methods to catch,trail and convict people who use,sell or grow marijuana.
All this costs money and that money is coming out of our taxes.
This money could be used to feed people who are having finacial problems.
This money could be used for our health care and education systems.
We should allow it,control it,tax it and put all the money into our health care.
So we wont spend money hunting some low level plant growers, we would be getting money from this harmless plant.
Feel free to share your view.
Best regards Mr.Rooster.
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