Obama The Deception

That is the name of a Alex Jones movie.

That movie goes over Obamas campaign promisees, like his word to close down Guantanamo Bay or the one with his promise that he would bring back the troops in Iraq and that there was no military solution in Iraq.

I mean this man ran on these promisees and people voted based on these things and of course that he is black.So what did he do after he was elected and sworn in.

The day after we saw Obama closeing Guantanamo Bay or did we ? We saw him sign a paper and the media headlines where clear that Obama was infact closeing down GTMB.

Well when people where able to read the legislation there was no official closeing of GTMB it only said they would look into closing it down and find a new facility to house there new inmates or supected terrorists.

Then we look at what he said on the war in Iraq.

He said he would bring american troops back right away if he would be elected and then what ? The man changes it to within the next 16 months then it changes to around 23 months, later his staff informed everybody when asked if Obama would not be bound by his promise they infact replied no "President Obama will not be bound by these promisees".

What the hell is going on ? Obama was anti-war when he wanted votes now after he got them he is pro-war?

 That is infact 100% correct Obama is not the savior everybody wants to make him out to be. Last thing i heard was he backed 20,000 more troops to Afganistan and its not to go after some fake terrorist organisation named al-Qaeda its always been about setting up military base“s and oil.

Just look at the numbers. Terrorist acts are estimated to kill around 1500 people per year now 68 out of those 1500 are listed as americans.So 68 die annually from terrorist every year so that number alone does not justify the 500 billion budget to go after this problem. In america 120 people die from penut allergies so penut“s are more of a killer then terrorists.

No man with half a brain would spent 500 billion US$ for 68 deaths and that reason alone.

Now in the words of  Major General Smedley D. Butler a Major General in the U.S. Marine Corps.

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.        150px-

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."

 This means that the wars in Iraq,Afganistan and soon to be Iran are wars not ment to be won but sustained for profit and control of the middle east.

So dont be fooled by al-Qaeda propaganda and the none stop use of the word terrorist. The real terrorists are the media and the goverment of U.S. They hipnotically repeat the words terrorist injecting fear into its viewers which would make them the terrorists if we go by the meaning of the word.

 Take a step back and watch the movie Obama the Deception its free over the internet. Also watch 911 blueprint for truth (also free) and see how far these men are willing to go.

Best Regards.


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1 Smįmynd: Garšar Valur Hallfrešsson

Personally I think you look at things with "conspiracy-eyes", like I sometimes feel that many people often do.  Is Obama the bad guy you want him to be?

Other thing, is closing down GTMB that easy, legally?  (actually I thought he was working on closing down that prison)

Should people from the "West" keep on fighting nations in the "East"?  Personally I say no to that.  What would happen if USA, NATO and other allied countries would in fact just leave all the countries in the East?  Well, that“s actually a childish thing to say but I would hope we could all live in harmony.  When people talk about these things as if they were just that easy, I think people should see things with "realistic-eyes".

Just my childish opinion on the matter

Garšar Valur Hallfrešsson, 4.9.2009 kl. 09:00

2 Smįmynd: Mr.Rooster

I would hope so also.

Im not saying Obama is not satan or something, only that  he is backed by wall street and even tho he won the election on his "End the war in Iraq" amoung other promisees he will do the exact opposite and sustain the war.

The e.g“s i gave are not half of what he is doing.He is right now advocating a homeland military that all american at a certain age have to take a 3 month army training.Not for actions conducted outside of the U.S borders but within the U.S.

I think the people in the middle east would be doing a lot better if it was not for U.S agenda.

Now lets look at the word conspiracy:an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons.

This would certainly fit the bill of a conspiracy.Its one thing to break your promisees but to do the exact opposite should bring up some questions.

But i do understand that we do not live in a civilized world and we are far from it. We teech our kids to not hit each other yet we are either supporting other people who are doing the hitting at a large or small scale or doing it directly to each other.We teech that we should resolve our difference“s by talking yet we allow goverments to attack smaller nations with nothing but a warrning that they may hurt us in some bizzard ways.

There is always an agenda the people in power are making a lot of money of our fellow human sufferings.You have to question that.

As for the living in harmony its not childish thing to say its a human thing to say not a childish thing.Currently in our world around 50% of the people live on less then 2$ per day.30,000 children die each and every day from preventable diseases and starvation.Last but not least 40% of the worlds wealth is owned by 1% of the population.

I would say there is nothing childish about living in harmony its more human thing if you ask me.

Mr.Rooster, 4.9.2009 kl. 12:03

3 Smįmynd: Garšar Valur Hallfrešsson

I didn“t know that USA was starting to draft people into the military, I thought that hadn“t been done since the Vietnam war or something similar.  If what you are saying is true then every soul in USA must be drafted for at least 3 months into any branch of the military, at least for the young peoples part.  My thought is, why would he want to increase the domestic military?  What reasons does he give for that decision?

If it was not for the US agenda in the middle East I guess someone else would take theyr place.  Perhaps the Russians, they have been there before.  Maybe the Chineese, they are increasingly dependant on oil and othe minerals since theyr society is growing fast.  Probably many western or eastern states would pop up in my mind if it was not for the US in the middle East.

I agree with you on one certain issue, the fact that smallest percentage of the people hold the largest amount of the worlds money, why would that be?  I does not take a nuclear scientist to calculate the fact that there should be enough for everybody, at least concerning food and water.  The fact that money controls the world is a very sad fact, I personally would love to see no money at all; since we have enough for everybody to go around.

Just to clearify, is Obama not considering to send the troops home from Iraq?  And the other, is he not going to close GTMB eventually?

Garšar Valur Hallfrešsson, 4.9.2009 kl. 15:00

4 Smįmynd: Mr.Rooster

Well its not a draft, a draft means people are randomly selected and put threw evaluation.This is not like that this means that people from the ages 16-35 (im not 100% sure on the age limits for this plan) will undergo 3 months training to protect the homeland.

Regarding Iraq my views are that its a bugus war claim to be war on terrorism but really its destroying everything in Iraq and the people who have nothing to do with terrorism.The war is meant to be sustained not won as we know that war is a very profitable racket.                                   Now lets see Obama was gona pull the troops home within the first  months after he would be inaugurated, then he chaged it to 16 months, then to 23 months then his staff inform everybody he would not be bound by these promisees.

Then he backed another 20,000 troops to go to Afganistan. Seems like he is very much pro-war.

And Guantanamo Bay was a big thing with him in the elections becauce a large group of americans wanted to see them vanish and end the torture that was going on there. The next day after he was sworn in he appears in all the major networks with the headlines Obama closes down GTMB.

Now we went on for about a week thinking wow he just came in and closed it what a great guy.But infact the bill only suggested to find a new solution like GTMB.So what will happen in the future we dont know but most likely senario is that they will have there terrorist camps in a foreign country where they are not subjected to U.S law.

And another thing is most of these inmates in GTMB where relesed without charges found to have nothing to hide further more asking the questions do we need torture camps?

Mr.Rooster, 5.9.2009 kl. 06:06

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