Religious Nut!

John Ashcroft hmmmm.......

Remember when he spent $8000 to cover 2 statues aluminum alloy tin tittie´s in the halls of justice?


Yeah apperantly John Ashcroft was not able to focus in the halls of justice with aluminum tits showing.

Remember when he went after Tommy Chung in the famous "Operation Pipe Dreams" after september the 11th?

From Wiki Operation Pipe dreams.

"Operation pipe dreams was the code-name for a U.S. nationwide investigation in 2003 targeting businesses selling drug paraphernalia, mostly marijuana pipes and bongs, under a little-used statute (Title 21, Chapter 13, Subchapter 1, Part D, Section 863(a)[1]) of the U.S. Code.

Hundreds of businesses and homes were raided as a result of Operation Pipe Dreams. Fifty five people were named in indictments and charged with trafficking of illegal drug paraphernalia. While 54 of the 55 individuals charged were sentenced to fines and home detentions, actor Tommy Chong was sentenced on 11 September 2003 to 9 months in a federal prison, forfeiture of $103,000, and a year of probation. Federal Prosecution admitted to being harsher on Chong in retaliation, citing Chong's movies as trivializing "law enforcement efforts to combat drug trafficking and use"

Yeah thats right Tommy Chung from Cheech and Chong who loned his name to the company and had nothing to do with the selling of any bongs or such was the main focus of operation pipe dreams, his only fult was that John Ashcroft wanted someone famous to get more spotlight on this little witch hunt.He later said that either he took full responsibility or they would go after his family.
So Tommy was the only one to do jail time thanks to John Ashcroft.


Remeber the Vanity Fair article on John Ashcroft from February 2004 issue?

Among other things, describes how Ashcroft fears calico cats, how he attended opponent Mel Carnahan's funeral against the family's wishes, how Ashcroft's dad put him at the controls of a plane with no training at age 8, and how parts of Justice Department boilerplate were altered because they conflicted with the Seven Deadly Sins.

John Ashcroft is a religious nut and religious nuts should be as far away from politics as possible.
Dont get me wrong politicians are just as annoying as the fundamental christians but the two put together is a nightmare.He belives that calico cats are the sign of the devil.

Here is a calico cat, he looks kinda like the devil right? calico-cat-3

It should scare you that people so high in the political food chain have this as there belief´s.
There judgment is based on there religious views on the world and that is scary when it comes to fundamental christians.

Im just glad that the american people are free of him and i hope his kids are not to screwd up.

Best regards Mr.Rooster.

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