Hugo Chavez vs U.S

For people who do not know about Hugo Chavez this has been done before.U.S staged a coup with some 1000´s of people.They started in 2002 to try to take him out.

They call him a terrorist and say he is killing his people.

But where is the proof? We do have proof that when america started to focus on Chavez in 2002 that Venuzela supplied the U.S with 15% of there oil needs, what did Chavez want to do ?

Hugo+Chavez+and+Che+Guevara+cartoon+by+Ben+Heine Hugo Chavez was domecratically elected following a long line of dictators.And he ran on the pretence that he was gona use the venezuelan oil to help the people of Venezuela.

He won and started to implement some policy´s for his people using the money from the oil. These policy´s ranged mainly to the poor varied from reducing food prices to offering free education for all ages and free public health systems.

When John Pilger went to Venezuela and talked to Hugo Chavez we could see that senior Chavez was nothing like the american media potrayed him to be.John also talked to the upper class and all the way down to the people living in huts.

The most of the rich people where unhappy with Chavez but all of the poor people where happy and adored Chavez.WHY? Why are the rich unhappy and poor happy?

Could it be that the rich people are making less money due to Chavez´s policy´s?  Chavez has acted as a true gentleman towards other developing countrys in latin america, he wanted latin america to be able to break away from the empire that is the U.S.

Ill bet you anything that the people outside of Venezuela have no clue whats going on in that country and protest only on the propaganda they get from the mainstream media.


These are the real Hugo Chavez supporters and there are quite a lot of them in Venezuela. Ill show you all a ABC interview with Hugo Chavez and Barbara Walters enjoy.


Regards                                                                                                                                                                      Mr.Rooster. Gengiđ gegn Hugo Chavez
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1 Smámynd: Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson

The propaganda on Venezuela is quite astonnishing. But there is of cause very good reason for it.

First Chaves's government has shifted part of the oil profit's from the private sector to public sector and uses to build ifrastructure for the public.

But I think there is also another reason, just as importand. The social and economic indicators in Venezuela, are improving beond anything that is possible under the neo-liberal doctrin that is dominating the west (as shown here). If that would be generaly excepted, our current model of economic exploitation whould be in danger. Venezuela is (as Kissinger said about Vietnam, if I remember correctly), a virus that might spraid.

Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson, 5.9.2009 kl. 10:46

2 identicon

Og ţađ er ekkert "propaganda" á vesturlöndum, Benedikt? Í alvöru?

Skorrdal (IP-tala skráđ) 5.9.2009 kl. 10:54

3 Smámynd: Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson

Nć ekki athugsemdinni hjá ţér skorrdal

ég er ađ tala um vestrćnan áróđur gegn Venezuela og Chaves stjórninni.

Ert ţú ađ halda ţví fram ađ hann sé ekki til stađar ?

Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson, 5.9.2009 kl. 11:06

4 identicon

Mér ţykir ţađ leitt, kćri Benedikt, ef ég hef misskiliđ ţig. Áróđur á vesturlöndum - og meira ađ segja á Íslandi - gegn hinu og ţessu er slíkur, ađ ţetta rennur allt saman í mínum huga. Kannski skildi ég bara ekki ţitt innlegg eins vel og ég hefđi átt ađ gera.

Skorrdal (IP-tala skráđ) 5.9.2009 kl. 11:11

5 Smámynd: el-Toro

vestrćnir fjölmiđlar flytja áróđur handa stórveldunum í vestri.

til ađ kanna fréttir frá einstaka löndum eđa svćđum, verđur mađur ađ ná sér í upplýsingar úr fjölmiđlum eđa bloggfréttum frá svćđunum og bera saman viđ vestrćnan fréttaflutning.  síđan verđur mađur ađ reina eftir bestu getu ađ hugsa eins og heimamađur er ţú ferđ yfir fréttaflutningin.

virkar vel fyrir mig

el-Toro, 5.9.2009 kl. 12:03

6 Smámynd: Mr.Rooster

Yeah so we now see how far the emipre U.S is willing to go to enforce there agenda and destroy democracy  in latin america.

Its gone that far that Pat Robertson of ABC suggested that america should just kill him and rebuild.All over the media they are saying  "Why dont we just kill him?"

These people know nothing about Venezuela at all and just hate to be dependant on Venezuela for that 15% of there oil import.

In 1979 Jaime Roldós Aguilera got demoractically elected as president of Ecuador, he won overwhelmingly and his promise was to help his people using the profit from oil and other natural resources.

In 1981 on may 25th his plane went down killing alll on bord. When the investigation started two of the key witnesses died in a car accident.

Omar Torrijos the president of Panama is another example.

He wanted the U.S to pay for the damage they inflicted on his people and land, he wanted to be in a position to help other latin american countrys and he wanted the Panama canal to be controlled by the Panamanians.He wanted his people to be free from the north and that the north would not exploit his people like they had done in the past.

1981 in June the president of Panama Omar Torrijos died in a plane crash.

Funny how two latin american leaders died with a month apart from each other in the exactly the same way.They both wanted things to change for there people and that change would directly affect U.S intrest over seas.

Hugo Chavez is next,we all sit around and eat up anything and everything Fox,CNN,CNBC,Cspann and other networks bombard us with. 

Mr.Rooster, 5.9.2009 kl. 15:45

7 identicon

I'm not "all"! Og ég vona ađ fleiri séu í ţeim hópi, Mr. Rooster...

Skorrdal (IP-tala skráđ) 5.9.2009 kl. 15:51

8 Smámynd: Mr.Rooster

Yeah i meant that to the general public my friend.

When i talk to people i know they just go by what the media tells them.
So we get dumber people everyday with every news they read and dont question.

I hope people will start to wake up and say "THIS IS AS FAR AS YOU GO".
Stop trying to fool us with propaganda and non sense.

Viva Chavez.

Mr.Rooster, 5.9.2009 kl. 17:59

9 Smámynd: Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson

Mr. Rooster you are quite right that the majority (in the west) just eats up the news without doing any critical thinking. 

But there are a few positive things that the Icelandic economic meltdown and  the global economic depression have brought about. One, is that the number of people  (in the so called western democracies), questioning what is said in the news and by the establishment, is increasing. People are also more open to alternatives. So, despite the huge suffering, the depression causes to many ordinary (and especially poor) people, times of depression can also bring potential for positive change and can in a way, be a time of hope.

For example, the public awareness in Iceland is at a historical high. And we probably have the unique situation, that public pressure is a force that the government needs to take (at some level) into account. So I think your hope of peoble waking up is partly becoming a reality. How far will it go? Time will tell.

I am more optimistic now then in the so called "góđćri".

Viva Chaves.

Benedikt Gunnar Ófeigsson, 5.9.2009 kl. 22:10

10 Smámynd: Mr.Rooster

Yeah there are a lot of positives but we need to take a good hard look at our society and start living in a evolved insteed of a established society.

Lets hope the people of Iceland are waking up to the crude facts that our established society is by no means working.

Mr.Rooster, 6.9.2009 kl. 01:07

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