Iceland´s Geothermal Energy
2.9.2009 | 13:04
Now Rooster is amazed.
Icelandic people have no clue what this will come to.
Iceland´s Geothermal Energy is in abundance and the fact Icelandic people have to pay more then just the start up cost is nothing but greed that society allowes to happen on a day to day basis.
If someone would come up to you and ask you to pay for water in Iceland they would laugh and tell them to walk the same would go with air and that becauce its in such high abundances.
Charging for them here would not make sense.
Then lets look at energy!
The most powerfull source of energy in the world is proper solar power wich is constant and never ending along with geothermal energy.
Geothermal Energy in planet earth is around 13,000 ZJ (according to MIT´s report in 2006) , with 2000 ZJ easily taped.Now the world uses around 0,5 ZJ per year so lets do the math.
2000 ZJ / 0,5 = 4000 years of clean energy.
And as we all know this heat will not vapor from earth but renew its self and there for this energy source is limitless.
So why in the world if there is such abundance of energy and mediums we can harnest it do we have to pay for it?
I understand we have to pay for the structure and even salary for employes but not ongoing payments for how much MW we use per day/months or years.
The fact is that most people do not understand how much energy there is avilible for Iceland or any other country for that matter.
The Icelandic goverment has for a long time been derailed and focussed on helping there pockets rather then there people and this has been proven just IceSave and your fish, there are no visionaries around anymore in icelandic politics
In polictics there are very few in any people you could trust.The fact is they lack vision and will to create a society that evolves to better its people.They attack our natural resources either with privatizing,lone contracts or taxes.
I vote NEI!
I say lets start creating a society filled with with enough abundance, efficiency, and sustainability.
Lets try to free people rather to enslave them to payments for inheritance our natural resources.
The goverment has no intrest in lowering the cost for icelandic people on energy even tho we have such abbundance.Water and energy is your inheritance and should not be owned by anybody but the people of Iceland not a company.
But you have to fight for them stand up and protect them.
They will not lower energy bills but make you pay even more for all energy and slowly but surely they will have there profit and that profit will come from you.
With hopes and love.
Rooster Cockwell.
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